09 February 2009

As If I Needed Another Reason... love my new President. Below, you will find a clever re-mix of actual quotes, taken from excerpts of his book, 'Dreams From My Father', which he also read aloud for the audiobook release. The remix needs only a little context. He is relating his own experience, growing up biracial, with that of a fellow classmate, Ray, who found his identity in another, more colorful way, as it pertains to his artful use of the English language. Without any further ado, enjoy:

Oh....and a quick P.S.: I have each of these quotes, minus the beat, saved to my phone. Captain Happy was the recipient of "There's white people and then there's ignorant motherfuckers like you," as his text message alert. That being said, if you would like for me to ship one or all of them off to you, hit me up on here and I can MMS text them to you. You ain't my bitch, nigger! Buy your own damn fries." Si se puede.

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